Monday, October 7, 2019

A Serious Downer

Are you experiencing an excess of cheeriness, too much elation, even giddiness? I have just the antidote for you, in a column by Rod Dreher for The American Conservative. Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.

Dreher is the author of The Benedict Option about religious believers withdrawing from an increasingly secular society into enclaves of like-minded souls. It is his view that, as a society, we are some distance past the tipping point of irredeemability (a search shows the word actually exists).

He concludes:
Politics, as the saying goes, really is downstream from culture. A culture that has ditched its Christian morality is one that will not be able to sustain liberal democratic norms in the long run.

Our de-Christianization will occasion a re-barbarization. My despair is such that voting these days has to do with whether we want to fast-track it, or slow it down. If that’s the choice, I’ll go for the slow route, and hope that something unforeseen happens to change history.

The question is: is Trump an accelerant, or will he slow things down? Or can he be both?
My answer to that question: “Make America Great Again” is profoundly conservative. It’s an attempt to slow down, perhaps even reverse, the slide into the toilet that history shows eventually awaits every great civilization.

We’re pretty far gone into decadence, the stench of Weimar Germany as depicted in Cabaret hangs in our air. I hope it’s not too late for us. (Full disclosure: I’m not religious.)