Saturday, October 26, 2019

Outage 4 Looms

We are warned PG&E will be shutting down our electric power today, for the fourth time this fall. More hot, dry wind is the culprit. We are cautioned it could last longer than the last relatively brief hiatus.

I experience a kind of suspended reality as we shuttle back and forth from our house (power on) to our RV (power off). The RV is parked in our driveway. It’s no great distance but getting the garage door open when the power is off isn’t easy. Whenever we need some toiletry or foodstuff, it is always where we are not, having been left next door in “the other dwelling.”

The experience reprises in miniature the issues of having a second house and trying to remember at which a particular item is located. It’s harder than I think it should be. Remembering to schlep the stuff not easily duplicated doesn’t always happen.

Something similar happened recently. The other DrC and I have been married for nearly 50 years. This past summer, while in WY, we encountered a bureaucratic requirement for a copy of our signed off marriage license, which of course was in CA.

Luckily the requirement could wait until we got back to CA where we found a document we hadn’t looked at for almost a half century, filed under M. I wondered how people whose documents burned in the Camp fire that destroyed the town of Paradise coped with that requirement?