Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blue on Blue Snark

At Instapundit, regular Ed Driscoll links to an Intelligencer column for New York Magazine where author Andrew Sullivan eviscerates Elizabeth Warren (scroll down).
Warren is surging, but she is, I fear — yes, I’ll say it — unelectable. I may be wrong, but by pledging to rip everyone off their current private health insurance, it certainly seems like she has thrown away the core advantage of her side — health security. By floating the notion in the CNN forum that her future Secretary of Education would have to be approved by a transgender 9-year-old boy, she’s placing herself firmly inside a cultural revolution most Americans are deeply uncomfortable with.

For what it’s worth, I suspect Warren will win the nomination and dutifully lose the election just like Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, and the second Clinton. She has that quintessential perfume of smug, well-meaning, mediocre doom that Democrats simply cannot resist.
As predictions go, I like it; especially the “mediocre doom” part. Not sure why Sullivan left McGovern off his list of D losers, maybe he isn’t old enough to remember that disaster.