Monday, October 28, 2019

Setting the Bar Too Low

An article in USA Today claims no crime need have been committed to impeach a president. Even if true, are we really sure we want to have this as our standard?

It basically means if a House majority don’t like a President, they can repeatedly indict the oaf-in-office. The Constitutional requirement for 2/3 of the senators to vote in favor of it means they won’t often succeed in an ouster.

I didn’t like Barack Obama and there was a time during his term when the GOP had a House majority. We could have impeached him for being “unprofessional” (i.e., not a Republican) or as an asset of Iran or for apologizing for America. The Senate wouldn’t have passed it but imagine the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments by Democrats.

Pelosi pawns take heed, what goes around comes around, it is karma. You reap what you sow.