Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Opportunity, Not Outcome

Grazing the web I ran across an article with this title at The Catalyst, run by the Bush Center.
An Economy Where All Can Flourish
I wasn’t motivated to read it, since I believe we already have an economy - with historically low unemployment rates - where all can flourish. I make this important distinction: having an economy where all can flourish doesn’t mean all will flourish.

The primary reason people don’t flourish in a buoyant economy is they make bad decisions, something they choose to do. To the extent it is possible to encourage people to make good decisions, we should do so. All the while recognizing that many people are self-destructive, intentionally or otherwise, and cannot be rescued from their own malign impulses.

Capitalism tries to have opportunity for all, while guaranteeing outcomes for none. Socialism tries to guarantee outcome equality for all, resulting in the opposite of motivation. If outcomes are guaranteed, why bother to get out of bed, much less work hard?