Friday, October 18, 2019

TGIF Snark

Regular readers know I have a weakness for well-done snark, with bite. Today I share with you a quote from Susan Vass who writes for Power Line as Ammo Grrrll. Her subject is the $50k a month ‘salary’ Hunter Biden got in Ukraine.
The idea that someone could get that for doing absolutely nothing and month after month for YEARS makes me want to puke. And with OUR tax dollars – a billion of them — as the humungous prize for the bribe. And he and his Daddy walk free. Sad. Not quite as evil as a PALLET of American greenbacks to the hostage-taking terrorists in Iran, but dang close. These are greedy, sleazy, evil people. Not one of whom will ever do a day of time. Convince me I’m wrong.
Yep, Susan, and close to half the country wants to pick one of these “sleazy, evil people” to be president. Our imagined ethical superiority to the Third World - where such deals are SOP - isn’t immediately obvious.