Thursday, October 31, 2019

Impeachment? Meh

I haven't written much about the House effort to impeach (think "indict") President Trump. The legacy media is full of it; COTTonLINE ... not so much.

Musing about my lack of interest, I suppose it is because I don't take it very seriously. Given the lack of significant Republican defections in the Senate, an impeachment, if voted, will never pass (think "no conviction") in the upper chamber.

Furthermore, I don't believe it is supposed to pass the Senate. I believe it is designed to throw the maximum amount of mud at Trump in the hopes some will stick, especially with voters who find him stylistically gauche.

Given the ho-hum, low-charisma nature of those running for the Democrat nomination, I understand the motivation of House Democrats. They do what they can to help their colorless (in several senses of the word) nominee, whoever he or she turns out to be, win an uphill fight to defeat a successful, if sometimes too colorful, President.