Thursday, October 24, 2019

Another View of Turkey

Just over a week ago I linked to an article by a respected analyst who defended our trying to patch up things with Turkey. Today I give you the opposite view as explained by military historian Victor Davis Hanson for National Review. He takes exception to the role of Turkey in NATO and as a U.S. ally.
Turkey opposes, if not detests, almost every American ally in the region, and befriends almost every U.S. enemy.

It despises Israel, aids its enemies and hopes for its dissolution. Turkey is currently attacking the U.S.-allied Kurds in Syria. It works against the pro-American Sisi regime in Egypt. Turkish violations of Greek airspace in the Aegean are a common occurrence, as are aggressive simulated attacks on Greek aircraft.

Turkey has frightened and alienated most NATO allies.
Hanson mentions the Europeans fear Turkish President Erdogan will open the floodgates and let millions of Arab migrants head their way. It is a realistic fear.