Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Walk in Others’ Shoes

I once thought The New York Times’ David Brooks was insightful. Then he became #NeverTrump and we parted company.

However I saw a recent reference to a column that might reflect his old sense that the urban, coastal way of looking at politics isn’t the only possible viewpoint. It delivers on that promise.

Brooks casts the column as an imagined - not entirely friendly - conversation between “urban guy” and a person he labels “flyover man.” Basically, Brooks delivers the same message Selena Zito has been reporting so well from flyover country, that coastals don’t “get” our concerns, what matters to us, and we believe Trump does. See Brooks’ conclusion:
So please don’t ask us to sign up for our own obliteration or support your impeachment. This is about identity and pride.

Here’s a confession. I used to think Trump was a jerk. Now, after three years of battle, I see him as my captain. He deserves my loyalty, thick and thin.

See ya’ in hell, brother.
I think Brooks has nailed it, you should read his whole column.