Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Power Outage II

Written Today: My assessment of battery life on our near-new RV under dry camping conditions proved optimistic. By late this afternoon the batteries were down to the point where we couldn’t move the RV easily, insufficient battery power to pull in the slides or raise the jacks.

I probably could have hooked up the truck to the RV electrical system (in the normal when-traveling fashion) and run the engine for about an hour charging up the RV batteries. Too much hassle, a hotel is easier and saves wear and tear on the truck.

So we’re checked into a hotel for a couple of nights. When the power comes back on it will recharge the deep-cycle RV batteries, no problem. Looks like we rural foothill dwellers will have to invest in a generator for backup power. 

I mentioned one theory of why we’re now getting on-purpose power outages, another is that the Sierra Club and Democrat greens in the legislature have prevented the sort of forest management that was once the norm. It almost requires a new law to cut down a tree on public land, even when fire danger conditions mandate doing so, as has been the case for a decade or more.

Extending our annual stay in Wyoming is looking better all the time, a choice that should be harder than it feels for two native Californians. California is no longer the optimistic, can-do, inventing-the-future kind of place it was when we were growing up.