Friday, October 11, 2019

The Power Outage III

As far as we can tell, no date for the restoration of power has been announced for our region. We continue as comfortable refugees in a hotel, eating restaurant meals.

We realize there are plenty out there who can’t afford to do what we’re doing. I’ll bet those on wells are digging pit privies and doing sponge baths with bottled water. We’re back to Little House on the Prairie darn quick in rural areas.

We hope to return to a powered-up house on Sunday. However we started out thinking we’d have power late Thursday, so we’re no longer at all optimistic about this matter.

It wouldn’t entirely surprise me if the legislature in Sacramento used widespread unhappiness with the utility providers to nationalize them and run them as state functions. That bunch of lefty drones rarely sees a government takeover they can’t totally love.

That is about all it would take to create fond memories of PG&E. I’ve lived in places with civil servants running utilities and the service was terrible, imagine the least attractive aspects of the DMV and Post Office combined.