Friday, October 18, 2019

Close to a Miracle

We don’t yet know if Parliament will pass Boris Johnson’s new Brexit deal with the EU. The Daily Mail (U.K.) summarizes what he has accomplished in getting the EU to make him a better deal.
The doubters said the EU would never re-open the Withdrawal Agreement. It has.

They said there could be no alternative to the backstop. There is.

They said a new deal couldn't be done in the time available. It was.

They said these negotiations were a sham; that, secretly, Boris wanted a No Deal outcome. They weren't and he doesn't.

In fact, keeping No Deal on the table and the insistence that we would leave by the October 31 deadline, 'do or die', have been absolutely crucial in concentrating minds in Brussels.
True, unionists in Northern Ireland don’t like it, they were never going to. They however are less than 2% of the U.K. population.

It was clear from the beginning the NI status had to change if Brexit were to happen. We first wrote this back in March of 2017 and have harped on the issue >15 times since.

Either NI would get a hard border and the probable return of “the troubles,” or a less-than-full status as Brits; they get the latter in the Boris Brexit. It may be that most will give up and become Irish, and a few die-hards will move to Blighty.

Later ... former Tory PM David Cameron says he backs the Boris Brexit, calling Johnson a “greased piglet” who slipped through where others (i.e., Cameron and successor Theresa May) got caught.

Even later ... Ed Morrissey at the Hot Air site reports on the vote on the Boris Brexit tomorrow. He quotes The Guardian (U.K.) to the effect that it might possibly squeak through with 1-2 votes to spare. We should know by noon tomorrow.