Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why Trump?

RealClearPolitics brings us a transcript of NYU professor emeritus Stephen Cohen - a specialist on the history of the Soviet Union in particular, and Russia in general - being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Here's his bombshell conclusion:
All of this Russia-gate stuff seems to have originated and that's what Steele tells us, with intelligence agencies, American and foreign.

What we don't know is why -- and we need to know this -- they set out to destroy Trump as a candidate in 2016, and then as a President. After all, other American Presidents had pursued cooperation with Russia. What was it about Trump that determined them to destroy him?
He'd like us to believe they knew something evil about Trump that hasn't been disclosed. My own answer to Cohen's question is this. Doing it was the agenda of subhuman leftists Obama installed to lead our intelligence community; knuckle-dragging sycophants like Brennan, Comey and Clapper.

Obama believes the United States is an evil colonialist power, and he appointed scum who agree with him. It is a real tribute to our ship of state's substantial momentum that Obama and his cadre of saboteurs weren't especially successful in crippling it.