Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Pelosi's Ukraine Connection

Conservative blogger Joe Hoft writes at the The Gateway Pundit website some interesting gossip. He reports Speaker Nancy Pelosi has as an aide one Ivanna Voronovych, a young, attractive Ukrainian woman. Hoft has photos of Nancy and Ivanna together. He writes:
Young Voronovych started her career working at the US Embassy in the Ukraine in Kiev. (snip) Voronovych’s parents are well connected. Her mom worked with the Ukrainian Army, and even received the Ukraine Order of Merit for military and political activity. Yoronovych’s father worked in the Ukrainian Foreign Service and he’s also connected to the Ukrainian government.
Hoft writes Voronovych was a "party girl" at home in Ukraine. Some of Hoft's photos of her would lend credence to that claim. A young emigre is an odd choice for a Speakers' aide. I wonder if she is as "bent" as Sen. Feinstein's Chinese driver-spy was?

Combined with the Bidens' Ukraine involvement, one has to ask what motivates Democrats' fascination with Ukraine? Perhaps it is the opportunities created by Ukraine's endemic corruption, which corruption they learned at the Soviet knee. Hat tip to Lucianne.com for the link.