Saturday, January 25, 2020

Among Former Democrats

Beltway reporter Tim Alberta goes home to rural Michigan to live, hoping to reconnect with how real America thinks/feels. For Politico, he writes about attending a gun & knife show on a snowy day where he spent all day talking to attendees and exhibitors.

Like Diogenes, Alberta searches in vain for a Democrat, or even an independent, at the show. Many former Democrats echo Reagan, saying in essence what he said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.”

Literally every person Alberta talks to plans to vote to reelect President Trump. Even those who had doubts in 2016 have none now. Many will do so while regretting some of the President’s more “colorful” antics or tweets.

Because it’s biased Politico, they had to include a photo of a booth selling Nazi memorabilia. Odd that Alberta didn’t meet a single would-be stormtrooper or skinhead in a day’s interviewing. Bad luck I guess, he should have tried harder.