Sunday, January 12, 2020

Wouk’s World War II

The death of author Herman Wouk a few months ago brought forth retrospectives of his life and work. One of these reminded me of his two great novels of World War II - Winds of War and War and Remembrance - made into TV miniseries which the other DrC and I enjoyed 30+ years ago.

I‘d never read the novels, which I ordered from Amazon and read on our recent month-long cruise. A dozen sea days provided plenty of time to finish the two mammoth tomes, which begin before the Hitler-Stalin pact, end as the war ends, and sweep much of the northern hemisphere.

Now, during our winter RV sojourn by a reservoir, the other DrC and I are rewatching the TV miniseries on DVDs. We’ve finished Winds of War and will begin War and Remembrance this coming week.

Wouk spins a heck of a tale, it’s as good as I remembered it. There’s a good chance both books and miniseries can be borrowed from your local library, If you share my interest in the World War II era, you will likely enjoy them very much.