Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Blue Light Special

I’ve seen stuff written about problems supposedly caused by “blue light” but never paid attention. I assumed it was a nutty urban legend, like vaccines causing autism or vinegar causing weight loss.

Today a Time article caught my eye and I learned blue light is thought to interfere with sleep. And that the major source is our various screens like computers, iPads, and phones.

Time writes new research shows the supposed sleep interference is bunk, although earlier research appeared to support the anti-sleep hypothesis. With the caveat (my word for today?) that I rarely have trouble sleeping, I know blue light isn’t a sleep problem for me.

Most nights I fall asleep with my iPad on my belly and glasses on my nose and, waking briefly later, put them aside until morning. If anything, the glow of the iPad in the dark puts me to sleep. The one or two nights a year playing onscreen mah jongg isn’t better than a sleeping pill are really boring, but extremely uncommon.


Speaking of blue light, our local SoCal Walmart has a prime parking spot reserved for police vehicles denoted by a sign and winking blue light that reminds me of the old Kmart blue light special. I haven’t seen it at other Walmarts we visit, I wonder if the practice is common?