Sunday, January 26, 2020

Rearranged Deck Chairs in Lebanon

Middle East Forum reports a change in government in Lebanon, one which in their judgment now contains only Hezbollah supporters. Apparently this is a break with tradition there. This change follows a period where widespread demonstrations demanded change.

MEF is of the opinion that the new government brings the government’s form into agreement with the pre-existing reality. Normally speaking, that is a good thing. Whether it proves to be so in Lebanon is less clear.

Lebanese groups no longer represented in government, including Christian Arabs, Druze and Sunni Muslims, no longer have to share the blame for government failures. Sadly, government failure is more the rule than the exception in this benighted region.

The article quotes the Israeli Defense Minister reflecting on the policy implications of the change in Lebanon.
The State of Israel will not differentiate between the sovereign state of Lebanon and Hezbollah, and will view Lebanon as responsible for any action from within its territory.
To say this makes life simpler for the IDF is a serious understatement. I’d judge it will make life more problematic (and shorter) for many Lebanese.