Saturday, January 11, 2020

Taiwan Persists

Taiwan recently held a presidential election and the candidate who opposes unification with China won big. She got 2.6 million votes more than the second place candidate who favors closer relations with the PRC, according to Reuters.

This past year’s unrest in Hong Kong - crowds opposing Beijing interference in HK governance - was certainly a big factor in the minds of many Taiwanese voters. The reelection of President Tsai Ing-wen was viewed as good news by the beleaguered residents of Hong Kong.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated Tsai, and added:
The United States thanks President Tsai for her leadership in developing a strong partnership with the United States and applauds her commitment to maintaining cross-Strait stability in the face of unrelenting pressure.
The “pressure” to which Pompeo refers is of course from Beijing. It is safe to conclude Tsai’s re-election was not viewed favorably there. Taiwan has been operationally independent of Beijing for over 70 years.