Saturday, January 18, 2020

U.K. Police Admit Ignoring Child Abuse

The police in Rotherham, U.K., finally owned up to ignoring for years the organized sexual abuse of British children, mostly girls, by Pakistani immigrant “grooming gangs.” Apparently the fear of appearing racist was too strong for British police to prosecute what was obviously large-scale child abuse.

John Hinderaker of Power Line has the story. We wrote about this back in 2018. It has seemingly been going on for decades.

In Afghanistan, next door to Pakistan, men routinely (and openly) abuse young boys sexually with zero negative consequences. I’m ashamed to say American troops are ordered to ignore it lest our ‘allies’ go over to the Taliban.

It appears there isn’t much difference in the cultures of Pakistan and adjacent Afghanistan with respect to tolerance of sexual abuse of children. Let me repeat a favorite COTTonLINE aphorism: culture matters - not all cultures are equally wonderful or valid, some are malignant.