Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Noonan Takes a Long View

Time was this blog had a link to Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal columns, then she went never-Trump and we cut her loose. Maybe we’ll have to consider putting her back in the Favorites list, her New Year/New Decade column is that good.

Peggy still finds Trump distasteful, but grudgingly allows he isn’t doing too bad. Some choice morsels:
On the impeachment of the American president, the story’s already been written, hasn’t it? It didn’t quite work. (snip) Even his supporters know he leaned on Ukraine for political gain. They judged this deserving of embarrassment but not removal.

The Democratic primary field is still flailing and doesn’t see it’s flailing. (snip) It isn’t true that America will never go socialist. Maybe it will, but not under current conditions—full employment, rising wages.

In the 2020s, the American position on China will harden—not the government’s but the country’s. (snip) Among the people, especially the business class, the perception will deepen that China is not our friend.

The belief that big tech needs to be corralled—to be broken up or declared public utilities—will grow on the left and right.

The past decade saw the rise of the woke progressives who dictate what words can be said and ideas held. (snip) Everyone with an honest mind hates them. Someone will finally move effectively against them.