Friday, January 24, 2020


Political analyst Sean Trende (great name in his racket) writes for RealClearPolitics that there are serious reasons to doubt the electability of all of the 6 Democrat front runners. No kidding.

Like bowling pins, Trende sets ‘em up one by one and knocks each down in turn. Barring a black swan event, one of them will be nominated to play the Washington Generals role against Trump’s Globetrotter-like trickster onslaught.

Think about it, Trump fills arenas wherever he chooses to go, with cheering people who spend hours in line to get in. Literally none of the Democrat aspirants has generated a tenth of this enthusiasm.

I wouldn’t bet much against Trump, but because of his impetuous nature, not much on him either. Plus betting on a favorite - Trump - to win doesn’t pay much.