Thursday, January 30, 2020

As Predicted

Yesterday I wrote that RINO Romney should take a hike, but that Utah might not want him back. Today I’m scanning and spot a Fox News story from Utah that bears on this issue.
Republican Utah state Rep. Tim Quinn has introduced a bill in that state's legislature that would allow voters to recall U.S. senators -- a possible swipe at Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, despite Quinn saying the bill isn't targeted at anyone in particular.

First reported by Deseret News, the bill would create a process by which a recall vote could go on the ballot after a petition by voters.

The proposed bar for putting a recall vote on a ballot is quite high, requiring the signatures of 25 percent of "the number of active voters in the state." In addition, senators could not be recalled within the first year of their term, within a year of winning a recall election or within a year of the end of their term.
Quinn says Romney isn’t the target ... I gotta ask, why do politicians think they have to lie like this? Exactly nobody on either side believes them. Somebody at Fox thinks maybe it would fail the inevitable constitutional challenge.