Friday, January 17, 2020

Trump’s Crossover Appeal

The website Red State, obviously conservative from its name, reports some interesting statistics from a source which obviously shares its biases. If these are accurate, they are optimistic omens.
Several days ago, Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale posted statistics from last week’s rally held in Toledo, OH, which showed that 43% of attendees identified as either Democratic or Independent.

The same statistic from Trump’s Tuesday night rally in Wisconsin can only be described as staggering. 57.8% of registrants identified as either Democratic or Independent.
Parscale has motive to exaggerate, and the data is self-report, we can’t be sure if attendees are telling the truth. To whatever extent those numbers are accurate, maybe they reflect Trump’s skill at standup shtick, he is a showman and his rallies appear to be great fun if you share his view of the world and our nation’s place in it.

The number of Democrats and Independents attending may not be dead accurate, but there is no arguing with the overflow crowds. If there were empty seats, the legacy media would make much of it. Since they haven’t done so, empty seats don’t exist at Trump rallies. That datum you can take to the bank.