Friday, January 31, 2020

Politico Attends a Trump Rally

Being an excrescence of the mainstream (legacy) media, Politico is reliably anti-Trump. Which makes Ryan Lizza’s article about Trump’s recent rally in Iowa particularly fun. Lizza had to watch on the big screen outside in freezing weather, with thousands of joyous Trump fans who couldn’t get in and were happy just to be near the event.

Lizza makes the requisite noises about Trump overreaching. I give him props for reporting that the crowd was genuinely fired up, happy, excited, and way bigger than anything Democrats have come up with in that early caucus state. And he reports the audience was a mix of blue and white collar Iowans, giving the lie to stereotypes about Trump supporters.

If you read what Lizza wrote, you see that he senses Trump has the big momentum while several would-be Democrat challengers sit nearly mute for two weeks in the Senate listening to Nadler and Schiff lie eloquently while their colleagues fight boredom. All this before the impeachment kabuki comes to its predetermined and pointless end perhaps tonight.

Trump is busy being President, signing treaties, proposing peace settlements, riffing at rallies while those who would oppose him whine about how terrible they believe things are. Is anyone listening?