Monday, January 13, 2020

Madame President?

Drudge Report links to a CNN story concerning a private meeting between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren roughly 13 months ago. While they agreed about several things, there was some disagreement about who could win the presidency.
Sanders responded that he did not believe a woman could win.
Sanders disputes saying this, but what if he did? He wasn’t expressing his own feelings about a woman president, but rather his “read” of whether too many American voters felt that way.

As it stands, Sanders has been right so far. On the other hand, as comic Mort Sahl would portentously say with a wicked, sarcastic grin, “The future ... lies ahead.”

We’ll only be sure the situation has changed when the first woman wins not just the popular vote but the actual presidency. When that happens, hope for all our sakes she’s another Margaret Thatcher, not an Angela Merkel.