Thursday, January 30, 2020

Descriptors for the New Insanity

Not everything has to be dead serious. George Orwell included a dictionary of Newspeak in his iconic novel 1984. That has inspired Lee Jussim to compile a similar list of neologisms for Quillette with thIs title.
An Orwelexicon for Bias and Dysfunction in Psychology and Academia
As you read down the list of absurd terms for absurd behaviors, you’ll recognize most of the ridiculous asininity which we on the right see in today’s debased academia. Making fun of willful stupidity is one of the best ways to combat it.

Enjoy some bitter laughter. The terms are preposterous because the behavior and attitudes they describe are preposterous-on-stilts. My former profession has gone off the rails. Hat tip to RealClearPolicy for the link.