Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Allowing DEI to DIE

Major firms are dropping DEI departments and activities, today's has two examples here and here. This is certainly good news. 

John Deere and Microsoft are both very major players in their respective industries. Competence and performance should be the only criteria firms use to staff and promote. 

Perhaps this is a preliminary omen of changes implicit in the impending election and its expected shift from Biden to Trump administrations. As recently demonstrated, the Secret Service needs new management.

Power Line's Steve Hayward comments as follows.

When progressive Microsoft throws DEI under the bus, you know that a preference cascade is building in corporate America to get rid of this insidious nonsense. More and more corporations are going to decide that they don’t want to be outliers facing the wrath of customers and shareholders for coddling this divisive and expensive elite luxury belief.