Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump Accepts the Nomination

I just listened to President Trump's very long acceptance speech. His description of how it felt living through being the target of an assassination attempt was truly moving. 

My favorite passage, and I'm paraphrasing here as I didn't record it, had to do with our expectations. Trump said we've been told to lower our expectations, that we can't have it all. I'm here, he said, to give you the opposite message. You've set your expectations too low, set your sights higher, expect more, we can have lots of prosperity. and good times.

It was also interesting to see that his brush with death last Saturday has had an effect on him. He did more talking about God and being blessed than we've come to expect from a Trump speech. 

Something I hadn't been aware of was his eventually successful effort to pass the so-called "Try" law. This permits patients with a terminal diagnosis to "try" drugs still in development, with no risk to the manufacturer if they don't work. Anyone of us might some day find ourselves in this fix, and be willing to roll the dice in hopes of a miracle cure.

As everyone else has observed the speech was undisciplined and much too long. I stuck it out to the end, but was relieved when the end arrived.