Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Local Option

RealClearPolicy links to an article asking the question "Is the Republican Party Becoming Pro-Choice?" Its author concludes the answer is "yes" and he blames Trump. 

Opinion polling on the issue has for decades shown a majority of Americans are pro-choice. The Republican Party needs to be accessible to a majority of Americans. I suspect the answer is that the Party is becoming Pro-State Choice. 

If a majority of people in a state want to ban abortion, they can. If they want to make it available halfway through a pregnancy, they can do that. I believe our new GOP policy is "local option." 

Local option works. I am old enough to remember when for decades the only legal gambling in the U.S. was in the libertarian state of Nevada. People who wished to gamble came there and did what was unlawful everywhere else. Ditto for quickie divorces.

Not widely talked about is that brothels are still lawful in a majority of NV counties, and some are so labeled in their signage. Seeing one of these signs is a bit of a shock to outsiders. To my knowledge this is unique to NV and no nationwide ban on sex work has been proposed or enforced.