CBS News is reporting Trump shooter Thomas Crooks had a second cell phone, and several overseas encrypted accounts. Mounting evidence suggests what happened on the 13th was very much premeditated and no spur of the moment thing.
Crooks may have been an online gamer, and the sites may have related to that. Somebody in Federal law enforcement must have (or know) a gamer kid they could ask about those sites.
There is also evidence he searched for info about a "major depressive disorder" which, if he suspected he had it, could lead to suspicion of a "suicide by cop" scenario.
Among the evidence that law enforcement found on and near the gunman's body was an AR-style rifle, a remote transmitter and a primary cellphone. Sources said investigators found two explosive devices, a drone, a tactical vest and four magazines of the same ammunition used in the attack inside Crooks' car.
In his house he shared with his parents and sister, investigators seized over a dozen weapons, an explosive device, a secondary cellphone, a laptop, a hard drive and three USB flash drives.
We don't know if he had a "gaming laptop" as those are more costly. If not, maybe he wasn't much of a gamer.
There are features about Crooks-as-assassin which point to an "Incel loser" scenario and other features suggesting something more sinister. No self-justifying manifesto has been reported, one wonders if we'll ever know his motives.