The Nation is normally so far to the left they're out past Sen. Bernie Sanders who reps the Soviet Oblast of Vermont. So how did it headline a column about the Republican National Convention thusly: "Revenge of the Normies"?
Their correspondent, D.D. Guttenplan, actually submitted an upbeat column about the nice, happy people he met at the convention, the almost complete lack of anger. His conclusion will leave you shaking your head.
For tonight, at least, this felt like a party at peace with itself and with its leaders. Which might be the most frightening thing of all.
The Democrat Party has chosen as its constituency everyone who does NOT consider themself "normal." The sight of united joyful normals could loosen the D’s bowels.
I guess the Ds foresee a stampede back to the 1950s when us normies controlled everything. I'll admit to a touch of nostalgia.