Tuesday, September 13, 2022

At The Emmys

One of the online news services offered me People magazine’s photo shoot from the Emmys broadcast red carpet, to check out the couture pix. I don’t watch a lot of broadcast TV but thought “Let’s check out the pretty people all dressed up.” Man, what a let-down.

There were a lot of pretty clothes on display, but the people on whom they were draped were a sad-sack looking bunch. Honesty, most of them were people at whom I wouldn’t look twice if seen in street clothes in a market or on a sidewalk. They were the most ordinary looking folk. 

I presume there are still beautiful people in some quantity in show biz, but they weren’t parading at the Emmys last night, that’s for sure. No wonder TV viewing is down, you see schlubs like these at Walmart any Saturday, while shopping.