Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Timing Is Everything

President Biden held a celebration of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" today at the White House. Experts agree it will do nothing about inflation, and is laden with pork. 

James Taylor (remember him?) sang "Fire and Rain." The choice was extra-appropriate as the actual inflation numbers came out and the inflation news continues to get worse. The fire of inflation continues to burn and the stock market rained on Biden's 'parade.'

The inflation continuation news caused the stock market to tank big time. The Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 all down like crazy, biggest losses in years.

Slow Joe looked foolish bragging about the economy when it is headed in the toilet. He really is turning out to be one of the worst presidents in my long life, and I remember Jimmy Carter who was bad enough. 

Geriatric Biden was the best the Democrats could come up with? Really? Those dudes have a bench problem.