Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Writing in the Boston Globe, echoed at, Renée Graham writes that what Joe Biden is complaining about - MAGA Republicanism - is really just white supremacy in disguise. In this claim she is both right and wrong.

She is right that what is being defended is a set of beliefs that go back a long ways, and have been defended over time by various champions, most recently by those seeking to Make America Great Again. She is wrong that those beliefs have anything to do with being white, and wrong to associate them with racists.

What is being defended are the founding principles of this nation: self-reliance, achievement, hard work, individualism, abiding by the law, private property, religious freedom, free speech, etc. There is nothing inherently “white” about these. 

Millions of people whose ancestors didn’t come from Europe adhere to these principles which, our history shows, have generally “worked” for those who follow them. They are principles worth defending by peoples of all races. Calling them “white supremacy” when they are a magnet drawing people of all races here from across the globe is misbranding: false and misleading labeling.