Monday, September 26, 2022


While cool autumn arrived a few weeks ago, we are currently enjoying a few days of Indian summer. Can we still call it that? 

This is always a time to cherish, the last few shirt-sleeve days before the autumn chill sets in, to leave no more. I was out today and it was almost hot, 80 degrees and beautiful blue skies.

The leaves are turning. The mountain maples, which grow no taller than a ranch house roof line, turn various shades from rusty orange to a bluish-red that is stunning. The maples grow on the hillsides, seemingly never on the flat. Perhaps they prefer the drainage there.

The cottonwoods haven't done much yet, but a few of the aspen have turned the pure, pale gold which with their white bark is just stunning. Much more expected from both. Of course the dominant conifers stay green all year.

Actually fall is maybe a bit late this year. The other DrC is in Yellowstone with our niece and a family friend, we hauled the RV up there for this year's "girls party." This late in the season YNP isn't awfully crowded, they're having fun and looking for moose (pix at her blog here). I'll bring them home on Thursday. 

We filed for our absentee ballots today, we won't be here in early November to vote in person. It is getting to be time to close down "Brigadoon" and head for winter quarters. I hope the classical reference works for you.