Monday, September 26, 2022


Mark Tapscott's posts at Instapundit are often infused with happy Christianity, which isn't what I seek from Instapundit. However today he quotes something from Jeff Dunetz with which I am happy to concur, completely.

A Dad’s most important influences are not infrequently subtle and may not be recognized or appreciated for a long time.

This has certainly been true in my long life. Probably my Dad's strongest lesson: in our family we don't act like low-life trash, we have behavioral standards.

I have found myself defending people of modest achievements by saying "They've held a job and earned a living, avoided addiction, stayed out of jail, and if modest, their home is tidy and they don't abuse their SOs. In my book they are good people." Actually, those are my Dad's words about standards, out of my mouth.