Wednesday, September 21, 2022


CA Governor Gavin Newsom claims, in a video interview, that his state losing population is because of Trump administration visa rules. This sort of bizarre statement needs some interpretation.

If Newsom is to be believed, Trump made it more difficult for Silicon Valley IT firms to import tech-savvy foreigners on specialized "needed skills" visas. Reading between Newsom's lines, he is saying if the pre-Trump rules applied, the IT firms would have imported enough engineers from India to replace the Californians fleeing so that his CA population would have remained constant.

Is that pathetic or what? U.S. citizens are fleeing the mess in his state but it is only a problem because he can't import enough bright foreigners, accustomed to third world conditions, willing to work for less to fill the slots and keep the magic machine working. 

He apparently did later admit there were factors at work in CA that are unpleasant for its residents: homelessness, crime, high taxes, high cost housing, power outages, forest fires, and environmental overreach. 

If Newsom would do something about that list of ugly "factors," perhaps Californians wouldn't be fleeing to other states which have more reasonable approaches. I write this as a paid-up member of the California diaspora.