Monday, September 19, 2022

Cultural Differences

Insightful comment made in response to a BattleSwarmBlog article about shoddy Asian building practices. 
Much of Asia has a general culture of fatalism coupled with greed and a bizarre inability to connect cause with effect. You literally have to change the culture, in order to ensure that they won’t cut corners, which everyone from the guys out doing the work to the guys in the front offices are in on.

I saw this sort of thing on Guam, the culture of which in the mid-1980s was Asian, regardless of the U.S. flag flying. The DrsC concluded many locals went through the motions without understanding the underlying logic of why what they were doing was asked of them. 

We guessed they believed they were carrying out rituals of a culture they neither shared nor understood but went along with because we were the “ruling caste.” Over the years since I have regaled many with examples of OOG (only on Guam) weirdness.