Thursday, September 15, 2022

Having to Walk the Talk

Flying volunteer illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, busing them to the Vice President's house, these are genius moves. As Saul Alinsky advocated, force your opponent live up to the rules they demand you follow. 

If places want to call themselves "sanctuaries" they may, but I see they don't like it when you send them refugees to feed and house. Marin County needs some, Beverly Hills and Pebble Beach too, so do Vail and Aspen, and how about Palm Beach? A busload each on the campuses of Stanford and Cal would go a treat. Each of the Ivies needs 100 or so.

Cities like SF and Seattle, Portland and Sacramento, Boston and Philadelphia need their share, too. Make 'em walk the talk or shut up. 

Maybe the Ds will eventually decide to defend the border, and resume building the wall. We can't invite the entire world's population here to live.