Thursday, September 22, 2022

When Bad News Is Good News

Investor's Business Daily has a long-standing relationship with the TIPP polling organization. The latter's publication, TIPP Insights has what issues voters consider important, a poll done in early September. People were asked to select their top three issues facing our country. 
The economy is the #1 issue for nearly half (48%) of the Americans who took part in the poll. 
The #2 issue is Gun violence/Gun control at a distant 27%. 
Immigration and border security (24%) is the #3 issue.

If you are curious, Crime (22%) came in fourth, and Climate Change and Abortion tied for fifth (21% each) Twice as many picked the economy for their top issue as chose anything else. 

As James Carville famously said while working for the Bill Clinton campaign, "It's the economy, stupid." Everyone buys groceries, nearly everyone buys gasoline, and many find the interest rates on their credit card balances and ARMs soaring. 

If you assume these poll results are more-or-less accurate, they favor Republicans. 

Later ... Now Axios reports web searches for immigration have surpassed abortion; searches are viewed as a proxy for issue importance. They attribute it to the Martha's Vineyard dump of illegals and the attention that has gotten. Gov. DeSantis is a wizard who keeps pranking Democrats.