Friday, September 23, 2022


UPI has video of a large monitor lizard trying, but failing, to enter a Florida home through a window the glass panes of which appear to flummox it. This brings back memories.

In the mid-1980s I saw one of these in the wild. Actually, it was near the edge of a parking lot, at the University of Guam, where I was visiting faculty. 

This was the pre-cell phone era and I had no camera with me. The memory of that lizard, a fair amount larger than the one in the video, is the only souvenir I have of the encounter.

After it ambled off into what locals called "the boonies" I rushed into the business school office and described what I'd seen. The secretaries were excited, they said monitor lizards were once somewhat common but by the 1980s were seldom seen. 

That's reptilian life in the tropics, and Florida qualifies.