Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Caveat

People on both sides are trying to make mask wearing, in this time of coronavirus, a political statement. Supposedly if you lean left you wear a mask, if you lean right you don't. Maybe so for the young, that's up to them.

People made a thing of a photo of former Vice President Dick Cheney - in many ways Mr. Conservative - wearing a mask. Give me a break, the man will be 80 in January. He's entitled to wear a mask, he'd like to live a bit longer and has a long history of heart trouble - what's called a "comorbidity."

Do any of you regular readers doubt my bonafides as a conservative? I'm in roughly the same age bracket as Cheney and I promise you I wear a mask when out shopping or around random people. I too hope to see a few more summers and have no desire to spend this one, as the Brits say, in hospital.

So if you see us seniors wearing a mask when out and about, don't put a political spin on it. We're just trying to stay away from a virus that - worse luck - is a proven senior-killer.