Thursday, June 25, 2020

People Want More Policing, Not Less

Power Line links to a Rasmussen Poll looking at attitudes toward police and policing.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of American Adults still regard being a police officer as one of the most important jobs in our country today, down only slightly from 68% three years ago. Twenty-six percent (26%) disagree, up from 19% in the earlier survey. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure.

Sixty-four percent (64%) are concerned that the growing criticism of America’s police will lead to a shortage of police officers and reduce public safety in the community where they live. That includes 39% who are Very Concerned. But 33% don’t share that concern, with 14% who are Not At All Concerned about the risk to public safety.

Blacks (67%) are the most concerned about public safety where they live, compared to 63% of whites and 65% of other minority Americans.
Q: Who is more pro-police, Biden or Trump?
A: Trump, hands down.

Q: Will this issue be important in the campaign?
A: BLM and Antifa have almost guaranteed it.