Friday, June 19, 2020

A Happy Warrior

The U.S. presidency is an interesting gig: you’re hired for four years, then get a “performance appraisal” which, if you pass, you get another four years. At the end of which, even if you’ve been brilliant (as the Brits say) you’re out of a job, history, a senior statesman.

President Trump appears to have a firm grasp of the above odd arrangement. As his mustashioed-detractor-on-the-right and fired former National Security Advisor John Bolton has written in a soon-to-be-available piece of revenge porn, all Trump seems to care about is reelection.

Translation: He likes his job, imagine that. He wants to pass his performance review so he can do the last four years of this peculiarly structured gig. He accomplishes this passing grade by meeting the public’s expectations and earning their votes.

Trump appears to believe he earns a passing grade by delivering on his campaign promises. What a novel idea! Tres strange, very unswamplike.

Our President craves public approval, good ratings, what we once called “good Nielsens.” And he does love the roar of a live crowd, hence Tulsa. I don't begrudge him either one.