Thursday, June 4, 2020

Weird Pharmacological Science

Science magazine is a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  It writes about the controversies concerning the papers which stopped many of the studies of the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating Covid-19.

The papers, in The Lancet and elsewhere, were based on the data of a “mysterious company” Surgisphere with somewhere between 5-11 employees. About their data set many scientific questions have been asked, and many suspicions aired.

Complicating the entire issue is the President’s boosterism for hydroxychloroquine and the knee-jerk opposition to the drug by those who find his flamboyant style distasteful. I expect that if Trump expressed a liking for beautiful sunsets, that crowd would resolutely stay indoors with the drapes pulled, bewailing sunsets’ obviousness and lack of subtlety.

We live in very strange times, do we not? Hat tip to for the link.