Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Public Favors Force Against Violence, Looting

Writing his column at Townhall, Guy Benson summarizes the most interesting finding from an extremely biased Washington Post poll. That poll features a whole series of “when did you stop beating your wife” -type questions about the role of the police in the George Floyd death and subsequent demonstrations. Respondents were okay with protest, if they were nonviolent and avoided looting.

In spite of this, when asked about violent protests and looting, only 16% said the police used too much force. 47% said the police used too little force, and the balance said it was the right amount. That plurality favoring more force doesn’t suggest much support for doing away with the police.

It turns out folks who didn’t kneel on George Floyd’s neck and don’t believe it should have happened also don’t think their persons and property should be attacked as a result. Collective guilt isn’t an American tradition.