Monday, June 29, 2020

A Gloomy View of Trump's November Outcome

Stephen Green, one of the regular posters at Instapundit, links to a column by Arthur Chrenkoff, an right-wing Australian of Polish extraction, who takes a pessimist's view of Trump's chances in November. I'll admit to having had some of the same thoughts Chrenk describes.

On the other hand, I'll do this November what I almost always do. Vote Republican, as the lesser of two evils, cross my fingers, and hope for a happy surprise when the ballots are counted. I still remember how pleased I was four years ago.

Our elections are binary choices, if you vote for someone other than the R or the D, you might as well stay home. I've had few occasions to regret Trump's win, and while Trump is problematic at times, I know Biden is the doofus he always has been. And age has made him less coherent and easier to manipulate.