Saturday, June 20, 2020

MN Can't Pass Police Reform

Republicans control the U.S. Senate, Democrats control the House of Representatives. At the national level, we somewhat take this sort of divided government for granted. Some even prefer it.

Fox News reports only one state has this sort of legislative divide, Minnesota. That is where the George Floyd death in police custody occurred.

Early this morning, a special session of the MN legislature adjourned without passing police reform. Partisan differences of opinion concerning what was needed obviously played a very large part. I guess this outcome isn't too surprising.

I conclude that MN Democrats, who wanted more radical reforms, decided to await the November election results rather than accept the compromise MN Republicans offered.


What interests me is that we Americans have sorted ourselves out geographically to the extent that this sort of divided government is quite rare below the national level. I conclude that the great sort of our nation, as some have called it, has gone further than we think with people having migrated to states where their 'brand' of politics is the norm. 

It is worth noting that Nebraska has a unicameral legislature wherein partisan gridlock isn't possible. It too is one of a kind within the U.S. group of 50 states, what Justice Brandeis called our "laboratories of democracy."