Monday, June 8, 2020

Seeking Answers

Shaun King (below) is hardly the only source complaining that the large cities claimed to have ‘police violence’ and ‘systemic racism’ problems have all been governed by Democrats for 50 years or more. Many are asking how is it that with city council majorities and mayors, and quite often with black police chiefs too, Democrat-run cities haven’t been able to solve those problems?

Surely they must have tried, but the verdict of the streets is that they have not succeeded. Can you argue that levels of government above them wouldn’t permit solutions? Even in cobalt blue states like MN and NY? No, no you can’t.

The Hoover Institution’s Shelby Steele has answers to the above questions, but his ideas aren’t going to be popular with those looking for solutions based on victimhood. His solutions tend to feature bootstrap-pulling and getting-our-house-in-order. People prefer to believe their problems are caused by others, it is so much easier.